This is the first release after re-architecturing work to share code between ESbox and PluThon. Other changes were made, as well, to track related Eclipse technologies and prepare for the other features we're planning to implement.
The New C/C++ and Python project wizards will automatically install missing build/runtime dependencies in scratchbox.
Programs can be run or debugged using the new DSF debugger framework. The major advantage of this debugger is it's faster than the old debugger on remote device debug. Unfortunately, it is also experimental and more unstable. To make use of it, just create a new launch configuration using launch configuration types tagged with "(DSF)" or using launch shortcut menus tagged with "(DSF)".
User visible change: templates are loaded on-demand, rather than all at once, and the SDK list is properly cached, so project wizard bringup should be much faster
Multiple build configurations are supported for both C/C++ and Python projects. A checkbox list is used to select the build configurations. They cannot be edited or customized individually; there is a one-to-one mapping from build target to build configuration. New projects can be created in this format using the C/C++ Maemo Project wizard or using the Convert to Maemo Project (new) wizard. The settings will be migrated from the old project. This prototype provides fully editable CDT indexer and source path settings.
The Autotools for Eclipse project is integrated. You can edit *.ac, *.m4, and *.am files with the editor provided by the project.
The RSE project offers features such as remote file system explorer, remote process viewer, remote shell and terminal to the Maemo device users.
Assume your tablet is connected to your PC via USB networking. In ESbox, open Remote System Explorer perspective, where you should see a connection entry called Maemo device. Just expand that entry and play with it.
Please see RSE User Guide for more.
A new download method Copy via RSE (in addition to Copy via SSH and Mount via SBRSH) is added for Maemo Remote Application launch configuration.
To make use of it, in project context menu, just select Debug/Run as... > Maemo Remote Application > Copy via RSE.
The global Maemo > Environment panel and launch configuration > Environment panels allow adding or removing variables on launch. There is no more "Replace/Append" or "Select" option, which only work with native host variables and make little sense with remote targets. This fixes some issues with a huge list of env vars being passed to some processes.
The Download > Copy via SSH launch configuration tab for remote launches incorrectly hid the information about what target IP/port it connected to. This information used to be derived from the GDB debugger > Connection subtab, which was not used in Python, meaning you could never change the address of your device under Python launches. This has been fixed; the address of the target and host are editable in the SSH panel now.